
Type Library

SubtractFunction may be added to your project by Chart Editor at design time or at runtime using code. Default period for SubtractFunction is 1 (By default, subtract will show the subtraction of one series from another at each axis point). Period is applicable only to the number of axis points, Period 1 = 1 axis point; period 2 = 2 axis points, etc..

Subtract will only work with 2 input series. The first series in the Chart Editor list will subtract the 2nd series.

Example [Visual Basic]:

To set the period for SubtractFunction you should use the FunctionType property of Series

To define a function series by code you should first create a new series for the function. The series may be of any type.

{ Set the function using the SetFunction method}.

TChart1.Series(1).SetFunction tfSubtract

{You may then define the period for the function - here setting it to to 5}

TChart1.Series(1).FunctionType.Period = 5

To undefine (delete) a function defined for the series use you should either delete or inactivate the Series or redefine the Datasource to a different source.