ICustom3DGridSeries See also

procedure FillGridIndex(StartIndex: Integer);

Type Library


This method is called by the Series to create an internal grid template upon which to base the Surface or Contour plots.

If you pass exact grid X and Z values to the Series (ie, correlative integer numbers starting from zero), the FillGridIndex method will do nothing.

If the X and Z values are floating point, or they aren't ordered, the FillGridIndex method will construct a grid and sort the X and Z coordinates.

The resulting grid will be then used as an index for every point to display. If you have XYZ values that cannot be fitted on a square grid, you can use the TriSurface Series.

Run this method when using the FastBrush Surface Series paint technique.


With TChart1

.Aspect.Orthogonal = False

.Aspect.Zoom = 70

.Series(0).FillSampleValues (30)

' Speed trick, as we know Surface data will not be modified anymore:

.Series(0).asSurface.FillGridIndex 0

.Series(0).asSurface.ReuseGridIndex = True

.Series(0).asSurface.Pen.Visible = False

.Series(0).asSurface.FastBrush = True

' other setting to increase speed:

.ClipPoints = False

.Walls.Left.Visible = False

.Axis.FastCalc = True ' <-- bypass overflow checkings...

End With

See also:
ReuseGridIndex, ISurfaceSeries.FastBrush