
procedure AddArrayXYZ(XArray, YArray, ZArray: OleVariant);

Type Library

The AddArrayXYZ method adds arrays of new points to a 3D Series.

Example [Visual Basic]

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim ZArray() As Double

Dim YArray() As Double

Dim XArray() As Double

Dim CountVal As Integer

Dim HalfPi As Double

TeeCommander1.Chart = TChart1

With TChart1

.AddSeries scSurface

.Aspect.Orthogonal = False

.Legend.Visible = False

.Aspect.Chart3DPercent = 100

.Aspect.Zoom = 80

End With

ReDim ZArray(14000)

ReDim YArray(14000)

ReDim XArray(14000)

CountVal = 0

HalfPi = 3.142 / 2

For i = 0 To 199

For j = 0 To 69

XArray(CountVal + j) = i

ZArray(CountVal + j) = j

YArray(CountVal + j) = Cos(Abs((XArray(CountVal + j) / 20) - HalfPi)) _

* Sin(ZArray(CountVal + j) / 20)

Next j

CountVal = (i + 1) * 70

Next i

With TChart1.Series(0)

.asSurface.IrregularGrid = True

.asSurface.AddArrayXYZ XArray, YArray, ZArray

End With

End Sub