
type EFunctionType = (tfCopy, tfAdd, tfSubtract, tfMultiply, tfDivide, tfAverage, tfHigh, tfLow, tfMovavg, tfExpavg, tfMomentum, tfCurveFit, tfRSI, tfTrend, tfStdDeviation, tfCumulative, tfCount, tfExpTrend, tfExpMovAvg, tfMomentumDiv, tfRMS, tfMACD, tfStochastic, tfBollinger, tfADX, tfSmoothing, tfCustom, tfCompress, tfCrossPoints, tfCLV, tfOBV, tfCCI, tfPVO, tfPerformance, tfMode, tfMedian, tfCorrelation, tfVariance, tfPerimeter, tfDownSampleFun, tfSubset, tfHistogram, tfSAR, tfPercentChange, tfSlope, tfSkewness, tfKurtosis, tfSmoothedMovAvg, tfATR, tfRVI, tfAwesomeOscillator, tfAC, tfAlligator, tfGator, tfMoneyFlow, tfPareto);

Type Library

EFunctionType defines the possible values of the SetFunction method. functions are applied within given Period.

See note on use of Enum constants in differing development environments.


0tfCopy = Copy function, duplicates input Series

1tfAdd = Add function (addition of all values in)

2tfSubtract = Subtract function (Subtraction in descending order of list of all input Series)

3tfMultiply = Multiply function (Multiplication of all input Series)

4tfDivide = Division function (Divides inputs in cascading fashion, 1st Series/2nd Series/3rd Series)

5tfAverage = Average Function

6tfHigh = High function (highest of all inputs)

7tfLow = Low Function (lowest of all inputs)

8tfMovavg = Moving Average Function calculated on group of Period points

9tfExpavg = See Exponential Average Function

10tfMomentum = Momentum Function (Period comparisons)

11tfCurveFit = Curve Fitting Function (Fits 'best curve' to input data)

12tfRSI = RSI Function relates incidence of 'highs' against 'lows' for CandleSeries.

13tfTrend = Trend Function (Fits 'best straight line' tendency of input data)

14tfStdDeviation = Standard Deviation Function Returns Standard deviation for input data.

15tfCumulative = Cumulative Function Builds a Cumulative result of input data.

16tfCount = Count Function A count of input Points.

17tfExpTrend = Exponential Trend

18tfExpMovAvg = Exponential Moving Average

19tfMomentumDiv = Momentum Division

20tfRMS = Root Mean Square

21tfMACD = Moving Average Convergence Divergence

22tfStochastic = Stochastic, for determiningrelationships between Highest and Lowest values

23tfBollinger = Bollinger, financial indicator

24tfADX = ADX, Average Direction Change (financial)

25tfSmoothing = Smoothing Spline function

26tfCustom = Custom y=f(x) function

27tfCompress = Compression OHLC (Candle) function

28tfCrossPoints = Cross Points function

29tfCLV = CLV (Accumulation/Distribution) financial function

30tfOBV = OBV (On Balance Volume) financial function

31tfCCI = CCI (Commodity Channel Index) financial function

32tfPVO = PVO (Percentage Volume Oscillator) financial function

33tfPerformance = Percentage difference between each source point and the first source point