
type EPointerStyle = (psRectangle, psCircle, psTriangle, psDownTriangle, psCross, psDiagCross, psStar, psDiamond, psSmallDot, psNothing, psLeftTriangle, psRightTriangle, psHexagon, psVisual, psDonut, psArrow);

Type Library

EPointerStyle defines the possible values of the IPointer.Style property. This is the shape a Pointer has.

psRectangle = 0

psCircle = 1

psTriangle = 2

psDownTriangle = 3

psCross = 4

psDiagCross = 5

psStar = 6

psDiamond = 7

psSmallDot = 8

See note on use of Enum constants in differing development environments.

You can change the pointer Style both at design and runtime: PointSeries1.Pointer.Style := psTriangle ;