Access to list of all TChart Axes. Includes Custom and Depth Axes

For a list of all members of this type, see Axes Members

public class Axes : TeeBase , IComponent, IDisposable


Axes refer to the scales that can be placed on the Chart to orientate the data. In standard terms these Axes have either an X, Y or Z component as in the diagram below:


TeeChart has five principal axes, Left, Top, Right, Bottom and Depth. Different data Series can be related to different Axes permitting different Axis scales for these Series on the same Chart.

Left and Right Axes refer to a Y-Axis  
Top and Bottom Axes refer to an X-Axis  
The Depth Axis refers to the Z-Axis

Multiple Axes
The TeeChart for .Net version offers true multiple Axes at runtime. Multiple Axes permit an independently scaled Axis to be placed anywhere on the Chart with any Start/Finish point.

The following diagram shows an example of the use of multi-axes:


For more information please see "Tutorial 4 - Axis Control."


Namespace: Steema.TeeChart Namespace

Assembly: TeeChart.dll

See Also

Axes members | Steema.TeeChart Namespace