Footer overview



Public Fields

 Size (inherited from TextShape)

Public Methods

 Assign (inherited from TextShape)Assign all properties from a TextShape to another.
 Clicked (inherited from Title)Returns if mouse cursor is inside TChartTitle bound rectangle.
 Clone (inherited from Shape)
 DoDraw (inherited from Title)
 DrawRectRotated (inherited from TextShape)Draws the Shape rectangle rotated by Angle degrees.
 Invalidate (inherited from TeeBase)Use Invalidate when the entire canvas needs to be repainted.
 Paint (inherited from TextShape)Paints the TextShape object on the Chart Canvas.

Public Properties

 AdjustFrame (inherited from Title)Resizes Header and Footer frames to full Chart dimensions when True.
 Alignment (inherited from Title)Sets how TChart Header and Footer text will be aligned within Chart rectangle.
 AutoSize (inherited from TextShape)
 Bevel (inherited from Shape)Sets the bevel characteristics of the Shape.
 BevelInner (inherited from Shape)
 BevelOuter (inherited from Shape)
 BevelWidth (inherited from Shape)
 BorderRound (inherited from Shape)Rounds the Borders of the Chart Shapes.
 Bottom (inherited from Shape)Shape rectangle bottom co-ordinate
 Brush (inherited from Shape)Defines the kind of brush used to fill shape background.
 Chart (inherited from TeeBase)Chart associated with this object
 ClipText (inherited from TextShape)
 Color (inherited from Shape)Defines the shape Color.
 CustomPosition (inherited from TextShapePosition)Set to true to permit custom positioning of TextShape.
 Font (inherited from TextShape)Determines the font attributes used to output ShapeSeries.Text strings.
 Gradient (inherited from Shape)Calls the Gradient characteristics for the shape.
 Height (inherited from Shape)The Height of the shape.
 Image (inherited from Shape)Rendered Image for Shape background
 ImageBevel (inherited from Shape)Sets the bevel characteristics of the Shape.
 ImageMode (inherited from Shape)ImageMode for rendered Shape background Image
 ImageTransparent (inherited from Shape)Sets the shape image to transparent.
 Left (inherited from Title)Gets/Sets Left position of Header or Footer Text.
 Lines (inherited from TextShape)Access to array of Text lines
 Pen (inherited from Shape)Specifies the pen used to draw the shape.
 Right (inherited from Shape)Shape rectangle right co-ordinate
 Shadow (inherited from Shape)Defines the shape's Shadow characteristics.
 ShadowSize (inherited from TextShape)
 ShapeBounds (inherited from Shape)Defines the boundaries of the Shape.
 ShapePolygonBounds (inherited from Shape)
 ShapeStyle (inherited from TextShape)Shape may be rectagular or rounded rectangular.
 Tag (inherited from TeeBase)Gets or sets an object that provides additional data about the TChart object.
 Text (inherited from TextShape)The Text property is used to display customized strings inside Shapes.
 TextAlign (inherited from TextShape)
 TextFormat (inherited from TextShape)Determines if Text is drawn as Normal or HTML styles.
 Top (inherited from Title)Gets/Sets Top position of Header or Footer Text.
 Transparency (inherited from Shape)Sets Transparency level from 0 to 100% of shape.
 Transparent (inherited from Shape)Enables/disables transparency of shape.
 Visible (inherited from Shape)Shows or hides the Shape.
 Width (inherited from Shape)The Width of the shape.

Protected Fields

 bBevel (inherited from Shape)
 bBorderRound (inherited from Shape)
 bBrush (inherited from Shape)
 bCustomPosition (inherited from TextShapePosition)
 bImageBevel (inherited from Shape)
 bTransparent (inherited from Shape)
 defaultText (inherited from TextShape)
 defaultVisible (inherited from Shape)
 iBottom (inherited from Shape)
 iDrawText (inherited from TextShape)
 iHeight (inherited from Shape)
 iLeft (inherited from Shape)
 InternalUse (inherited from TeeBase)
 iRight (inherited from Shape)
 iTop (inherited from Shape)
 iWidth (inherited from Shape)
 onTop (inherited from Title)
 pPen (inherited from Shape)
 ShowInEditor (inherited from TeeBase)

Protected Methods

 AssignShape (inherited from TextShapePosition)
 CalcBounds (inherited from TextShape)
 DrawString (inherited from TextShape)
 DrawText (inherited from Title)
 SetBooleanProperty (inherited from TeeBase)
 SetChart (inherited from TextShape)
 SetColorProperty (inherited from TeeBase)
 SetCustomPosition (inherited from TextShapePosition)
 SetDoubleProperty (inherited from TeeBase)
 SetFloatProperty (inherited from TeeBase)
 SetIntegerProperty (inherited from TeeBase)
 SetStringProperty (inherited from TeeBase)
 SetTransparency (inherited from TextShape)
 ShouldSerializeBottom (inherited from TextShapePosition)
 ShouldSerializeLeft (inherited from TextShapePosition)
 ShouldSerializeLines (inherited from TextShape)
 ShouldSerializeRight (inherited from TextShapePosition)
 ShouldSerializeTop (inherited from TextShapePosition)
 ShouldSerializeTransparent (inherited from Title)
 ShouldSerializeVisible (inherited from Shape)

Protected Properties

 LinesLength (inherited from TextShape)
 Transform (inherited from Shape)

See Also

Footer Class | Steema.TeeChart Namespace