Internal Chart class used to display at Gallery panel.

For a list of all members of this type, see GalleryChart Members

public class GalleryChart : TChart , IComponent, IDisposable, IOleControl
, IOleObject, IOleInPlaceObject, IOleInPlaceActiveObject, IOleWindow
, IViewObject, IViewObject2, IPersist, IPersistStreamInit, IPersistPropertyBag
, IPersistStorage, IQuickActivate, ISupportOleDropSource, IDropTarget
, ISynchronizeInvoke, IWin32Window, IArrangedElement, IBindableComponent
, IKeyboardToolTip, ISerializable, IChart


Namespace: Steema.TeeChart Namespace

Assembly: TeeChart.dll

See Also

GalleryChart members | Steema.TeeChart Namespace