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TAddTeeFunction may be added to your project by Chart Editor at design time or at runtime using code.

Default period for the TAddTeeFunction when only 1 series is added to the function is 0 (
one flat line representing the total of all data points of the input series).
When 2 or more input series form the TAddTeeFunction series the default period is 1 axis point.
Period is applicable only to the number of axis points, Period 1 = 1 axis point; period 2 = 2 axis points, etc..

To see a visual representation of TeeChart Standard Functions, go to the TeeChart User Guide.


To set the period for TAddTeeFunction you should use the FunctionType property of TChartSeries.
To define a function series by code you should first create a new series for the function.
The series may be of any type.

// Set the function using the SetFunction method


// You may then define the period for the function - here setting it to to 5


To undefine (delete) a function defined for the series use :
