

property TextStyle: TLegendTextStyle;


Default Value: ltsLeftValue

The TextStyle property stipulates how Legend text items are formatted.

- ltsPlain shows the point Label only.
- ltsLeftValue shows the point Value and the point Label.
- ltsRightValue shows the point Label and the point Value.
- ltsLeftPercent shows the percent the point represents and the point Label.
- ltsRightPercent shows the point Label and the percent the points represent.
- ltsXValue shows the point's X value. It applies only to Series with X (horizontal) values.

Values are pre-formatted using the Series ValueFormat property. Percents are pre-formatted using the Series PercentFormat property.

You can also use the TChart.OnGetLegendText event to supply customized Legend texts.


These are examples of different Legend's TextStyle values:

ltsPlain Summer
ltsLeftValue 1234 Summer
ltsRightValue Summer 1234
ltsLeftPercent 5.1 % Summer
ltsRightPercent Summer 5.1 %
**ltsXValue 4321

**Applies only to Series with X values. See TChartSeries AddXY method.