
Hierarchy     Properties     Methods     Events     

Grid of XYZ points displayed as cell rectangles.


The TSurfaceSeries component outputs all points as a 3 dimensions grid.
You can control grid colors palette and line attributes.
To see a visual representation of this Series type, go to the TeeChart User Guide.

Set the ParentChart property to the desired Chart component.

Points should be added manually to the Series by using either the AddXYZ method or the OnGetYValue event.
Null values (missing values) are also supported, they display empty (transparent) surface cells.

The NumXValues and NumZValues properties determine the grid dimensions.
NumXValues and NumZValues properties are automatically incremented when adding points with X or Z values outside current values.

A Surface chart made of 2000 x 2000 grid cells takes a lot of computing time, while (for example) a 100 x 100 grid size redraws quite fast on a
modern machine.
Its all dependant on the CPU and Graphics card speed.

The Pen property determines the kind of pen used to draw Surface's grid lines.

Set the WireFrame property to True to draw transparent Surface's grids.

Surface point values are stored at XValues, YValues and ZValues properties.

The Brush property defines the pattern style used to fill Surface's grid cells.

The TimesZOrder property determines the ratio between Z scales and Chart depth in pixels.
The default value is 3 times the TChart
Chart3DPercent value.

You can use the OnGetYValue event as the function that calculates Y values for a given X,Z grid cell coordinate.

The OnGetColor event can be used to supply specific grid cell colors.

The TSurfaceSeries has three color modes:

1) All cells with same color.

Set the UseColorRange and UsePalette properties to False.

2) Each cell color is calculated to be between two colors.

Set the UseColorRange property to True and set the desired StartColor and EndColor properties.

Each point Y value is used to calculate the corresponding cell color between the above two colors.

3) Each cell color is calculated from an internal color palette.

Set the UsePalette property to True and set the PaletteSteps property to the number of different color degrees.

The RedFactor, GreenFactor and BlueFactor run-time properties control how are the internal palette colors calculated.

The ClearPalette, AddPalette and Palette properties can be used to customize color ranges.

The CreateDefaultPalette restores the default internal color palette.

The GetSurfacePaletteColor function returns the color corresponding to a given Y value.

The GetXZValue function returns the stored Y value that corresponds to a given X,Y grid cell coordinates.

The ReCreateValues method can be used to force TSurfaceSeries to create again the grid and call again your OnGetYValue event to supply all Surface Y values.

The CreateValues method can be used to change the X and Z grid dimensions and refill again all Surface values.

Please refer to TChartSeries ancestor description for all common Series properties like Marks, Axis dependence, methods and events.