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Fail to install TeeChart Build 1.1.2004.16592

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:48 am
by 8877116
Hi all,

I tried to install the TeeChart Build 1.1.2004.16592 at MS Windows 2000 Server with .Net Framework 1.1 but failed during the process of Updating settings. The error message is typed as below:

Toolbo~1.exe - Common Language Rutime Debugging Services
Application has generated an exception that could not be handled.
Process id=0xb30 (2864), Thread id=0xb00 (2816)
Click OK to terminate the application.
Click Cancel to debug the application.

I clicked OK button and checked that the software seemed to be installed at the W2k Server. But after trying to run the DotNet Application, the TeeChart graph was failed to display.

Is it due to conflict between W2k Hot Fix and the TeeChart executables?
Have anyone experienced this issue? How can you solve it?

Thanks & Regards,


Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:28 am
by narcis
Hi Danfan,

The error message indicates that the installer failed ot add TeeChart components at Visual Studio's toolbox. However files should be installed correctly at your machine and you could install files manually as described here.
But after trying to run the DotNet Application, the TeeChart graph was failed to display.
Which is the application you tried to run?

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 11:56 am
by 8877116
Hi Narcís Calvet ,

Thanks for your prompt reply.
Let me explain more ...
- I currently worked with the technical team to setup a new virtual machine (vm) so as to let users have a new training environment for a in-house .Net Web Aapplication.
- After technical team created the vm and installed the W2K OS + .Net Framework 1.1, I then setup IIS, grant permission to ASPNet and impersonate account, and then run the .Net Applcation executables (built by Microsoft Visual Studio 2003) and the TeeChart executables in this vm
- I tried to ignore this TeeChart installation error and run the web application, but it failed to display the TeeChart [just showed me a "x" bitmap on the web page].

I'm not sure whether this issue was due to the improper TeeChart installation or other conflict or missing setup in the vm.

Could you give me some advice?

Thanks & Regards,
Daniel Fan

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 1:05 pm
by narcis
Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the information.

This could be a problem with TempChart property. Could you please check what I suggested here?

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 1:40 pm
by 8119814
Hi Narcís Calvet,

I finally solved the issue by configuring the virtual directories in IIS for TeeChartForNET and _chart_temp to support “Integrated Window Authentication” and disable “Anonymous access”

Thanks & Regards,
Daniel Fan