Determines how Legend text items will be formatted.
public LegendTextStyles TextStyle {get; set;}


Default: LeftValue

The TextStyle property indicates how Legend text items will be formatted.

Plain shows the point Label only.

LeftValue shows the point Value and the point Label.

RightValue shows the point Label and the point Value.

LeftPercent shows the percent the point represents and the point Label.

RightPercent shows the point Label and the percent the points represent.

XValue shows the point's X value. It applies only to Series with X (horizontal) values.

Values are pre-formatted using the Series ValueFormat property. Percents are pre-formatted using the Series PercentFormat property.


These are examples of different Legend's TextStyle values:

Plain            Summer
LeftValue        1234 Summer
RightValue       Summer 1234

LeftPercent      5.1 % Summer
RightPercent     Summer 5.1 %
**XValue           4321

**Applies only to Series with X values. See Series.Add method.

See Also

Legend Class | Legend Members | Steema.TeeChart Namespace