Describes the possible values of the TextStyle property.
public sealed enum LegendTextStyles : Enum , IComparable, IFormattable
, IConvertible

Public Members

PlainLegend Text is defined as the series point labels.
LeftValueLegend Text is defined as the series values on the left of the series point labels.
RightValueLegend Text is defined as the series values on the right of the series point labels.
LeftPercentLegend Text is defined as the series values as a percentage of the total of series values on the left of the series point labels.
RightPercentLegend Text is defined as the series values as a percentage of the total of series values on the right of the series point labels.
XValueLegend Text is defined as the xvalues of the series.
ValueLegend Text is defined as the series value.
PercentLegend Text is defined as the series values as a percentage of the total of series values
XAndValueLegend Text is defined as xvalues of the series and the series values.
XAndPercentLegend Text is defined as xvalues of the series and the series values as a percentage of the total of series values.

See Also

Steema.TeeChart Namespace